One Week of Lunches – Day 5!!!

Week One is Complete! No lunch disasters yet. It will be a long road til June but I’m pretty confident that apart from a couple of possible hungover weekday mornings, I will have this under control! ;)

Olivia has said that she loves her lunches and is happy to keep this menu every week til October. Good.

Today’s menu was:

Homemade Bolognese Sauce with Quinoa Fusilli
Sliced Green Peppers
Cheddar Cheese cubes
Apple slices
Homemade Granola Bar


I made Bolognese Sauce last night for the kids. Was perfect as the leftovers were for lunch today. And the rest of the leftovers have gone into small jars to be put in freezer and brought out next week for Friday’s lunch! Easy Peasy.


Bolognese Sauce does not take long to make. Only a tiny bit of chopping…and a couple of hours left on the stovetop. I have posted a version of the sauce I did on the blog. Today I used 4 carrots, 3 sticks of celery, a handful of oregano, thyme, bay leaf and basil, 1 onion, 5 cloves of garlic and 2 pounds of ground chicken (didn’t have any grassfed ground beef in freezer). Also 1 can of organic whole tomatoes and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.

Start with some olive oil, add in the onion and garlic. Then throw in the carrots and celery. Stir together for a couple of minutes. Then add the herbs and some sea salt and pepper. Cook for approximately 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste, and then the can of tomatoes. Let simmer for an hour or two. Presto. Dinner and lunch!

This morning I sliced up some green peppers as Olivia loves them.



Cubed some cheese.

Sliced up an apple.


And threw in one of the homemade granola bars I keep in the freezer.


Lunch was ready.


It has been fun sharing our week of lunches. Hope they help you navigate your school lunch box menu.

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